A sunny, but cold dry day greeted 11 skippers for the last round of the Mar-Apr series. Owing to a "boat coming off a lorry", there was a motorway hold up which caused some delays. M Clayton arrived after the first race and J Smith at the interval. The Easterly breeze made setting a course problematic, but Chris started with R/4, 1, 3, R, 1, 3, R, Y/0, but after one race inserted Y before 1 on both laps. After a couple more races R (which had been on a line between 8 and the end of the pier) was moved South.
The beat between 3 and R proved interesting with gusts and lulls particularly on the approach to R and there was some close (sometimes too close) racing throughout.
Those who fared best were:
1st - J Bennett (002)
2nd - R Dyer (25)
3rd - C Wilson (06)
Those who kept a consistently high performance through the series were:
1st - C Wilson (06)
2nd - J Bennett (002)
3rd - J Richardson (43)
Congratulations to them and to all 17 skippers who took part in the series.
3 May will be the start of the May-Jun series and Chris has suggested that as there are more skippers attending each week we should allocate observers to spot any rule violations. We will have either 1 or 2 observers per race and there will be an extra discard for those races observed.
Best wishes,