Although there was virtually no wind, the sun did try to break through to welcome 11 skippers who came to race the third round of the Mar-Apr series. Unfortunately John Smith had a winch failure and was unable to compete, but received the thanks of the others for staying and helping score.
After a short wait to see if the wind was going to decide both to blow and from which direction, Chris set a course of Y/0, 8, R, Y, 0, 8/R. After 1 race this was extended to two laps and then to include 4 giving Y/0, 8, R, Y, 0, 4, 8, R, Y, 0, 8/R. The wind continued to increase sufficiently to enable 10 heats to be raced.
Those who found the best of the wind were:
1st - C Wilson (06)
2nd - R Brydges (33)
3rd - I White (28)
Congratulations to them and also to Derek Strehlau, a new member and his first entry on the score sheet. As he has yet to receive a sail number he is scored as "00".
Best wishes,