13 sailors attended a sunny morning with a fresh NE breeze to compete for the 5th race in the May-June series.
Owing to an error on the scorer's part, the fist heat had to be abandoned as the lead boats incorrectly went past buoy "O" and rounded buoy "0" - sorry guys. The correct course was Y/4, 0, 4, B, R, O, 4, B, 0/O and 9 heats were raced with either 1 or two observers for each heat.
There was some brisk and close racing, but the calms and wind direction changes beating to and rounding R could be rather challenging.
Today's top three were:
1st - J Bennett (002)
2nd - R Bridges (33)
3rd - C Wilson (06)
Well done to them and all for an enjoyable morning.
Best wishes,